Parents are a vital component of our school community and are viewed as partners in the education of their child. Parents are encouraged to observe the classrooms, attend Parent Education programs and participate in school events so that we create and enhance continuity between the home and school environments. 

Parent Association

The Parent Association (PA) exists to support the school and staff in their mission by providing volunteer opportunities for our families to use their skills, talents and hobbies in this effort.

HRIMS has an extremely talented and involved parent body. Parent volunteer activities are coordinated through the Parent Association. The school depends on the support of parent volunteers throughout the year. When you donate your time and talents to assist the school, you make a valuable contribution to the children and also get the opportunity to connect with other parents. Volunteers help to build a community spirit while providing support to our faculty and staff. This also reinforces the importance of community involvement to our children. It is our hope that your commitment to HRIMS not only ensures the continued success of our school, but also enriches your family's experiences as a member of our community. 

All HRIMS parents are automatically members of the PA.