Applying to HRIMS
Welcome to our HRIMS family!
School Tour
Prospective parents to HRIMS must first schedule a visit to observe a class in session and meet with the Head of School before submitting an application. Applications are given to the parents at the conclusion of the tour. Visitations take place Monday through Friday mornings and generally last about an hour. We highly recommend that parents involved in choosing the school for a child tour before submitting an application.
Applications for the next school year are due by March 1st. Acceptance letters are mailed on March 15th for students to begin in August. Children are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year if space is available, but no later than mid-March for the current school year. If no openings are available at the time of application, your child's name will be placed on an application list. Upon receipt of your application, a meeting will be scheduled between your child and a Montessori teacher to determine his/her readiness to enter the program.
Applicants will be given priority in the following order:
Re-enrollment of current students
Siblings of current students
Children with previous Montessori experience
New applicants
We’d love to have you join our HRIMS family!
Program Requirements
Toddler Community
For an optimal experience, children are admitted between 16 months and 27 months.
HRIMS accepts students into our Toddler Community with the understanding and expectation that they will be subsequently enrolled in our Children's House Program when they are developmentally ready.
Children's House
The willingness of parents to commit to the full Children's House program.
The student being the ideal age (3-4 years old is the optimum age to start).
The student being fully toilet trained for the Children's House class.
The student's readiness and willingness to learn.
The parent's understanding and acceptance of our basic goals, philosophy, and expectations.
HRIMS seeks to create classroom communities that are balanced by gender and age. In general, the school prefers to admit children at age three but will consider children who are older.
HRIMS offers a full six year elementary program from 6 to 12 years of age with an extensive curriculum that spans the entire elementary years. Students transition to this program upon completion of the Children's House. Priority is given to families who support and intend to stay for the duration of the elementary program.
HRIMS accepts non-Montessori students into this program based on the following criteria:
Opening in program
Child must be at least 6 years of age and finished kindergarten
Child must be at a social and academic level appropriate to ensure a successful transition to the Montessori program
Parents' commitment to the full Elementary Program (6 years)
There are no deferred enrollments. Applicants declining offers of enrollment are required to reapply (following the procedures of other candidates) for subsequent years.
Hampton Roads International Montessori School is a non-profit, 501(c)3 educational organization that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, national or ethnic origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or military status, in any of its activities, policies, procedures, or operations.